Distilled Light
Distilled Light combines the plural Hebrew expression for “Welcome” - bruchim haba'im with the Arabic bismillah - “ In the name of the God, the Womb One (from the root RHM – “womb”, as also in Hebrew) of Benevolence and Compassion” - the words spoken by Solomon to the Queen of Sheba that begin every surah of the Koran.
Lex Hixon in his Sufi Koranic interpretative work, The Heart of the Koran, speaks of the human soul illuminated by aromatic light and ignited by Divine Love. (Based on Koran 24:35)
The two lute roses cut into this illumination, which are topped with small arabesques are like two lamp/perfume decanters that contain the distilled light of the Judaic and Islamic traditions.
The large arabesque at the top represents the One Reality that is beyond either distillation.
Acid etched copper, fretwork, oxide, repousse, and punchwork. Framed in Oregon Madrone.